Monday, March 5, 2012

Mission # Yellow Cardi

I've wanted a yellow cardigan for a while. I hadn't decided on which shade of yellow, whether it should be warm or cold, I just knew it had to match at least a few dresses in my ever-growing closet. And match my skintone, which is about as pale as a zombie. I finally found the perfect cardigan recently, and which tone of yellow did I end up with?

Neon yellow. Yes, almost as bright as your average neon yellow marker. To be fair, it's a little less bright but it's still an eyesore on a cloudy day ;) I couldn't find anything dress-like that matched at home, so I decided to be on the lookout for a grey dress to pair with it. Last week I found a skater dress in H&M, in - you guessed it - grey! I already own it in bright blue and it's very comfortable and thus it went home with me.

I wish I could show you an outfit shot, but I'm too shy for the camera ;) Floorshot will have to do!

I really should've waited for a yellow cardigan that I didn't have to buy dresses for, but it's such a nice fit with long rib in both sleeves and body. I'm in love! Considering how I don't own any grey dresses, I'd say it wasn't so bad to get that either ;)

That's all for today,

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